The story of

James Ocalia

Hello, I’m James, an Aruban with Dutch and Caribbean roots residing in North Brabant, the Netherlands. Passionate about nature, food, and culture, I started to connect people with local farm-to-table experiences to support local organic farmers in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. 

beach, aruba, sandy beach-26016.jpg


I was born in Aruba and spent part of my childhood in Curaçao. After high school, I moved to the Netherlands. There I studied electrical engineering at Avans Hogeschool in Breda, planning to return one day to Aruba to contribute to the development of the islands economy.

Adjusting to life in the Netherlands was challenging, but I found support within a community of fellow students from the ABC islands. After graduating, I started my career and built a life in the Netherlands. Despite this, my desire to return to Aruba grew stronger as I noticed the island’s increasing reliance on imported food and the loss of traditional local produce.

Determined to adress this issue, I felt a calling to make a difference. After considerable reflection and financial planning, my family and I returned to Aruba to establish a sustainable farm.


During seven years in Aruba, I practiced sustainable living, leaned on my faith for a sence of purpose and inner peace and made an impact in the local community with agriculture, education, and social entrepreneurship. I started a social enterprise and the island’s first agritourism experience.


Departed Aruba to pursue higher education in the Netherlands, studying electrical engineering.

Journeyed to Tuscany, Italy, where the concept of agriturismo sparked a profound shift my perspective. on eco-tourism.

Fresh basil pesto

Returned to Aruba with a renewed sense of purpose and a vision for sustainable agriculture. The first year was very challenging, it was difficult to find a suitable property or any kind of funding for that matter. I started experimenting in my mothers back yard with hydroponics and growing basil in a Dutch bucket system. 

With the organically grown basil I made pesto which I sold directly to a growing list of customers due to an increasing demand for healthy local food.

Book: Mijn favoriete Arubaanse  en Curaçaose Gerechten

I also published my first cookbook in Dutch “Mijn favoriete Arubaanse en Curaçaose gerechten” -My favorite dishes from Aruba and Curacao.

Amigoe newspaper, James Pesto, Cookbook mijn favoriete Arubaanse en Curacaose gerechten
James Ocalia Goshen Sustainable Development Corporation VBA

Goshen farm

From 2016-2019 I was the managing director  Goshen Sustainable Development Corporation VBA. Goshen was a first of its kind farm and social enterprise in Aruba which incorporated a vocational work experience as part of the Global Adult & Teen Challenge program.   

Check the Facebook link:
Our goal was to grow staple crops all year long making fresh local produce accessible to the public. 
Staple crops grown on the farm:

  • Aruban Cucumber, Concomber chikito
  • String beans, bonchi largo
  • Okra, yambo
  • Madame Jeanette Hot peppers
  • Moringa Oleifera
  • Herbs: basil, mint, lemongrass

During the second year of operation of the farm we developed agritourism experiences. The location of the farm with a stately old cunucu house on a hill and a beautiful view over the landscape lent itself to an immersive experience.

We called the immersive experience: “Back to the Land“, a farm to table experience consisting of a tour of the farm and premises, and cooking workshop.

After I resigned in 2019, the farm was continued under the management of HopeAruba Movement foundation and closed permanently in 2021.

During my time at Goshen I also worked together with various local organizations to promote healthy eating habits and the nutritional benefits of local produce. 

Hope for All, Green for Health

Goshen back to the land farm to table tour

Biba Saludabel

Biba Saludabel is a local TV show from the department of health AZV presented by nutritionist Angelique Salsbach. The show is in Papiamento.

During the episode I explained about the nutrional benifits of the vegetables cultivated at Goshen farm and culminated the show with a cooking demonstration.
I made a curry with okra, green beans and cononut milk served with funchi (which is white corn meal polenta).  The second recipe I made is a  green smoothie with Aruban cucumber – concomber chikito.

Traditionally the cucumbers are only used in a stew so I really wanted to emphasize the versatility of these tiny cucumbers. Aruban cucumbers are rich in fiber and vitamins. The green smoothie can be your to go to smoothie in the morning to revitalize you before you start your day. It’s made with Aruban cucumbers, fresh pineapple, pear and ginger.

Teaching skills for the future

I began teaching in a vocational school for special education SPO Brazil. Meanwhile I also started studying and earned my teaching degree, digitized gardening lessons, oversaw the construction of a greenhouse for the school, and worked on a variety of gardening initiatives.

I saw that there was a need for educational material for our gardening curiculum. After doing some research I created an educational card game called “Planta y Cosecha” (Plant and Harvest) in Papiamento to teach children about local produce and encourage them to eat healthy. The card game was sponsored by the foundation Fonds Kind & Handicap en  Stichting Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds Caribisch gebied.

Sharing my journey

After returning to the Netherlands, I published my personal journey in my most recent book, “Roots & Renewal” – A Path to Sustainability and Self-Discovery in Aruba. I continue advocating for sustainable agriculture and ecotourism, inspiring others to reconnect with nature and embrace purposeful living.



Fred Expo job fair speakers Amsterdam

Just so you know
Some of the links in my content may be affiliate links. That means that if you purchase through these links, I may get a small cut, at no additional cost for you. This helps me keep going.  Thank you for your support. 💚 

Chef Victor moreno learns about the Aruban Cucumber.

Recording an educational video series on bee keeping and healthy eating habits.

Bee James

Jair en de Ezels

Planta y Cosecha

Mijn favoriete Arubaanse en Curaçaose gerechten

Get in touch

You can get in touch with me if you need any consultancy advice regarding farming, starting an Agritourism experience or incorporating Agritourism activities on your farm in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.