Bee and Plant Market in Boxtel

The Bee and Plant Market in Boxtel is one week away.
Today a weekend before the event, the weather is lovely with temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius.

There are many people out and about; the terraces in the city are full, and lots of people are walking or cycling past our house, enjoying the weather.

Beehive in food forest

This morning, I got up early at 5:30 with my youngest son to move my beehive from the beekeepers association to a Food Forest in Schijndel.
Afterwards, I went home, and before noon, I took one of my twin boys to his soccer match. There, I could also enjoy the sun and see the match.

Strawberry plants at the market

Later in the afternoon, after lunch, I was watering my plants on the rooftop terrace, and I noticed that a few strawberry plants were blooming. These are the same plants I bought a year ago at the market, I thought to myself. I am excited that they survived the winter and they are also enyoing the sunshine in the spring. 

Bee and plant fair 21 April 2024

Next week sunday, the 49th bee and plant market will take place in Boxtel.

The outdoor event is held once a year. It’s a fun local fair with live music, lots of artisanal products,  flowers, plants, honey, insect hotels, and bee products. Additionally, there are beekeeping and basket weaving demonstrations as well  candle making workshops.

It’s definitely cozy with activities for children. This year, I’m helping to make seed bombs for kids.

Will you come by for a visit?

I hope they have strawberry plants this year too.

Date: 21-April-2024

Time: 10:00-15:00

Location: Essche Heike 1B, Boxtel

For more information check out the beekeepers association website

Bijen markt Boxtel - Bee market 21 april 2024

Photo’s: Beekeepers association Ambrosius, Boxtel