Trees on my Land Agroforestry Film

New film 'Trees on my land' shows the potential of agroforestry in Western Europe.

Trees on my Land

Discover the captivating world of agroforestry in the upcoming film ‘Trees on my Land’. Directed by Joris van der Kamp and commissioned by  the “Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality” in the Netherlands.  This documentary takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the picturesque landscapes of Belgium and Northern France, where pioneering farmers are redefining the relationship between agriculture and nature.


Through four seasons of filming, van der Kamp meticulously captures the stories of these innovative farming families who have embraced agroforestry as a means of integrating trees and shrubs into their agricultural practices. Their efforts not only enhance biodiversity but also contribute to the resilience and sustainability of their farms. From agroforestry systems that support diverse ecosystems to methods that promote soil health and water conservation, ‘Trees on my Land’ offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted benefits of agroforestry. 

Roots and Renewal

In my book Roots and Renewal I also write about the benifits of encorporating multipurpose trees like Moringa and Neem tree in agriculture and my experience how they helped me to deal with the harsh growing conditions in Aruba. 

The venue

The premiere of ‘Trees on my Land’ is set to take place on April 19th at the Verkadefabriek in my favorite city ‘s-Hertogenbosch. This event promises an evening of inspiration and enlightenment. Viewers can gain insights into the profound impact of agroforestry on both farming communities and the environment. Join us as we celebrate these trailblazing farmers and learn how we can all play a role in fostering a more sustainable future for agriculture.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative cinematic experience. Get your tickets and embark on a journey that will leave you inspired to embrace agroforestry practices. By incorporating these practices in your own life and contribute to the global movement towards a more harmonious and regenerative approach to agriculture.

For more information in Dutch check out: